Saturday, November 20, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Announcements 4/27/10
InterPraise was awesome! Praise, message, prayer -- God was amidst it all. Praise Him! And let us thirst for more beyond events, groups, and meetings.
Special thanks to: Thai Lam, InterVarsity & Ark bands, Eugene and Yvonne, and everyone who helped put it together and prayed for the event.
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Upcoming events:

Volume 3 Issue 1
Theme: Men
To An Unknown God Release Party
Thursday 4/29/10, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
250 Dwinelle
Come celebrate our latest issue of TAUG! Whether you are a reader, friend of a reader, writer, editor, or someone curious about what exactly our magazine stands for, we welcome you to come join us in the celebration and thanks of our latest issue's publication, produced after months of hard work and prayer.
Even if you can't stay for long, feel free to stop by and pick up copies of the journal for yourself, your friends, and fellowship. Also look forward to just meeting the people who have dedicated their time to making the journal happen, and getting to know other Cal students at the event. And as always, there will be free pizza, snacks and drinks!
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InterVarsity Presents: EXPOSED
Saturday 5/1/10, 7:30pm - 10:00pm
112 Wurster
Saturday 5/1/10, 7:30pm - 10:00pm
112 Wurster
Exposed is an annual art show that uses art as a natural testimony to tell stories, awaken emotions, and hit people somewhere deep within. Creativity is a gift that God specifically places in us and is immensely powerful. For more information, contact Yvonne (yfung23, who can direct you to one of the coordinators or send you the application.
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Banquet at People's Park
Sunday 5/2/10, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
People's Park (Haste/Bowditch)
Come join a rich dinner for the homeless, students, and people of all faiths or none in particular, because Jesus is inviting everyone to His banqueting table! Just bring yourself and friends, and tasty food also, if you'd like.
The hope is that this banquet will be complete with appetizers, main courses, desserts, and decorated tables – the homeless individuals in Berkeley are valued people whom we wish to honor, serve, and restore dignity and hope to, especially since homelessness is often experienced as a loss of dignity that leads to a state of vulnerability to hopelessness/helplessness.
Interested in helping out? Contact emilyfu43 (at)! We need your help to gather food, pray, find tables/chairs/tents/decor/silverware/tablecloths, request donations, and set up. Let's bring our five loaves and two fish with childlike faith, because with God, there is always enough!
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For Christ's Sake A Capella Spring Concert
Sunday 5/2/10, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
145 Dwinelle
It's that time of the year again! Take a break the night before RRR week to listen to some good music, have some delicious FREE refreshments, and be blessed.
FCS will be showcasing its semester's repetoire, and singing some brand new songs never sung before on Sproul, so if you came out on Thursdays, you will hear a lot of new songs! TESTIMONY from Stanford will be opening. Admission is free! Invite all your friends!
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Next Tuesday, UiC will be having a pizza party at 5pm in 206 Dwinelle (regular meeting time and place). Come and join us as we celebrate how God has worked in and through UiC and Berkeley's ministries this year!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Please forward!

Dear friends,
InterPraise is an inter-fellowship worship night put on by Unity in Christ every semester. This Wednesday, let us come together for InterPraise once again to praise God and pray together as one body. Thai Lam, one of the founders of Unity in Christ at Berkeley and a current senior leader of the Luke 18 Campus Prayer Movement, will be speaking about prayer from Luke 18:1-8.
InterPraise: Let us Pray!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
6:45PM - 9:00PM
New Church Berkeley
2509 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley, CA
Also, in preparation for InterPraise, let us pray.
Monday night at 9pm, we will be having a worship and prayer kickoff meeting at the flagpole by VLSB. Tuesday at 7pm, 24-hour prayer will begin. Then on Wednesday, prayer at the flagpole will start at 7am, and end up at 7pm when InterPraise starts. For prayer topics and to sign up for an hour slot, go here:
Remember how our Lord Jesus prayed: "I have given them the glory that You gave Me, that they may be one as We are one: I in them and You in Me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me." (John 17:22-23) Let us strive to maintain unity and harmony amongst our brothers and sisters, and come together to worship God in one Spirit!
Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you there!
Your UiC Reps and Chairs
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Interpraise 2010 Important Announcements
Hey Everyone
Interpraise Spring 2010 is coming up very soon. It will be Wednesday April 21st at New Church located on Hillegas. Just wanted to thank everyone thus far for helping plan. Here is a brief overview of what still needs to be done and a schedule for that night.
Here is the Wejoinin page for Interpraise prayer signups:
Please forward to your fellowships, small groups, etc. Signing up to pray with friends is encouraged :) Prayer on Wednesday will be at the flagpole!
(Please also be asking your staff/prayer leaders for fellowship prayer requests! ASAP!!! You can also have them fill it out because it's a google doc, but please get it done ASAP - thank you! )
Please forward to your fellowships, small groups, etc. Signing up to pray with friends is encouraged :) Prayer on Wednesday will be at the flagpole!
(Please also be asking your staff/prayer leaders for fellowship prayer requests! ASAP!!! You can also have them fill it out because it's a google doc, but please get it done ASAP - thank you!
Those in contact with the two worship teams, please send me a powerpoint with the lyrics of the worship slides.
Those part of the praise organization team please come to New Church by 6:30pm the day of Interpraise.
There will be chalking Sunday 4/18. For those who want to help, we will be meeting 8:30 in from of Dwinelle.
Schedule for the night:
6:45-7:00pm: Arrival
7:05-7:45pm: 1st Worship Set
7:45-7:50pm: MC introduces Interpraise and Speaker
7:50-8:10pm: Tai speaks on prayer
8:10-8:20pm: Reflective prayer and worship in the background
8:20-8:40pm: Group prayer
8:40-8:55pm: Final Worship Set
8:55-9:00pm: Announcements and farewell.
Pre-event Logistics
6:00pm: Prayer for Interpraise - We will meet in front of New Church located on Hillegas
6:30pm: Worship teams arrive for sound check. Those part of the worship team coordination come as well to help.
6:30pm: Ushers arrive to help greet students.
Thanks Again
Eugene Hyun
Please email me if you have any further questions.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Good Friday Reflections on Mark 14:43-65
Shared by Dan Garcia, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
We’ve been here before. I’ve heard this story. Watched it play out. Within me, my cynic shakes its head, projecting onto life a world-weary wisdom. The narrative is straightforward: the good person rises up; a good idea comes forth; a movement gains traction. There is hope. There is trust. The palm branches wave, and people sing.
But, my cynic shakes its head.
Time passes. Either from within or outside, things begin to crumble. Perhaps the solidarity is lost. Perhaps good intentions are sullied and motives become twisted. Perhaps the powers that be win the day. Reality, as it were, collides, leaving disillusionment, leaving embarrassment.
And my cynic shakes its head.
And joins in with the crowds yelling out “Prophesy!” Perhaps, spoken in anger, whispering, “To think I could have trusted you. I dare you to speak truth anymore.” Perhaps, spoken in jadedness, “Now, have you learned your lesson?
Friends betray and abandon.
Justice miscarries and fails.
And yes, power wins.”
But , my cynic shakes its head.
Surly Jesus knew this. How could he not? Every day of his earthly life he lived it, surrounded by Roman rule. Countless crosses for countless countrymen. He knew it from history, crying out, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.” He knew what would happen, he spoke of what would happen, and he affirmed it even now, “The Scriptures must be fulfilled.” So maybe, just maybe, my cynicism is left unexpectedly exposed, stymied, staring at itself in a mirror. Revealing itself as a faith in faithlessness, a trust in the untrustworthiness of life. “No,” it shakes “It can’t be. He’s insane. He’s confused. He’s . . . ” So, clinging with weakening fingers to a creedless creed, it watches Jesus leave the Sanhedrin, to go before Pilate.
And still, my cynic shakes its head.
Yet . . .
In spite of itself it can’t walk away; I can’t walk away.
I must know how the story ends.
We’ve been here before. I’ve heard this story. Watched it play out. Within me, my cynic shakes its head, projecting onto life a world-weary wisdom. The narrative is straightforward: the good person rises up; a good idea comes forth; a movement gains traction. There is hope. There is trust. The palm branches wave, and people sing.
But, my cynic shakes its head.
Time passes. Either from within or outside, things begin to crumble. Perhaps the solidarity is lost. Perhaps good intentions are sullied and motives become twisted. Perhaps the powers that be win the day. Reality, as it were, collides, leaving disillusionment, leaving embarrassment.
And my cynic shakes its head.
And joins in with the crowds yelling out “Prophesy!” Perhaps, spoken in anger, whispering, “To think I could have trusted you. I dare you to speak truth anymore.” Perhaps, spoken in jadedness, “Now, have you learned your lesson?
Friends betray and abandon.
Justice miscarries and fails.
And yes, power wins.”
But , my cynic shakes its head.
Surly Jesus knew this. How could he not? Every day of his earthly life he lived it, surrounded by Roman rule. Countless crosses for countless countrymen. He knew it from history, crying out, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.” He knew what would happen, he spoke of what would happen, and he affirmed it even now, “The Scriptures must be fulfilled.” So maybe, just maybe, my cynicism is left unexpectedly exposed, stymied, staring at itself in a mirror. Revealing itself as a faith in faithlessness, a trust in the untrustworthiness of life. “No,” it shakes “It can’t be. He’s insane. He’s confused. He’s . . . ” So, clinging with weakening fingers to a creedless creed, it watches Jesus leave the Sanhedrin, to go before Pilate.
And still, my cynic shakes its head.
Yet . . .
In spite of itself it can’t walk away; I can’t walk away.
I must know how the story ends.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Announcements 4/6/10
Interpraise coming up Wednesday, April 21 evening.
Please keep it in your mind and prayers!
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Call and Response Film Screening in Berkeley
Hosted by Livingwater Church @ 2727 College Ave
Saturday, April 10, 2010 @ 7 PM
Watch the trailer:
Special speaker Justin Dillon (producer/musician)
Did you know there are 27 million slaves today? Learn about modern-day slavery (mostly sex trafficking) with a riveting film "rockumentary" starring musicians such as Switchfoot, Natasha Bedingfield, Moby, etc. This film doesn't come to the Bay Area very often, so catch this while you can!
FREE admission and refreshments provided afterwards! Even if you are well-versed in the issue, bring your friends and spread the word!
Disclaimer: Though this event is hosted by a church, this is not a "religious" event, but rather an awareness-raising event. You definitely do not have to believe in God or be a Christian to care about human trafficking in the world today.
Facebook group:
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The 3rd annual UiC March Gladness
Saturday, April 17 2010
9:00am - 4:15pm
Hearst Gym
The purpose of March Gladness is to bring together the body of Christ in a fun interfellowship basketball event and to raise money and awareness for a certain cause. Anyone, ballers of all skill, size, and sex, are welcome to play! This year, we are supporting To An Unknown God, a Christian magazine on campus. This is a huge reason why we have this tournament. Here is their website:
Below are the registration and waiver forms. Fill out both and send them to Justin Louie (marchgladness at You may want to sign up in pairs or singles. You will be playing with the person you signed up with, but we’ll be assigning the rest of your teammates! Doesn’t this sound like a fantastic opportunity to make new friends in other fellowships? YEZZIR!
Registration Form:
Waiver Form:
SIGN UP SOON, because registration ends this Sunday! The cost is $20, and this covers the cost of the t-shirt, lunch, and court cost. All revenue is donated.
Facebook group:
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Sunday!
Happy Easter everyone! I just wanted to share something that my pastor was telling us during our message that really spoke to me.
But before I get into that...I went to the show The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg that Living Water put on today and it was awesome! Props to everyone who put all that effort into it! It was really a blessing to watch it :).
Anyways back to the sermon. The topic was the typical Easter Sunday sermon about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But there was one thing he pointed out thats been on my mind the whole day after the sermon. The passage was from John chapter 19 and 20, and he pointed out that the book of John is different from the other Gospels because he doesnt focus so much on the physical evidence, the miracles that Jesus performed. He is more interested in the changed lives of the disciples and the individuals that encountered Christ. The radically reformed lives of the disciples is the testimony to the saving grace of Christ.
This got me thinking a lot. If they were lying...if Christ was a lie and a fraud that would mean the disciples died for a lie. And when you look at the lives of the disciples all of them died horrible deaths for Christ's sake. I think it s hard enough to die for something that is just, let alone something that is false. On the other hand, if Christ is real and if encountering him radically changed them in such a way, what does that show about our lives? Can we truly say that we are saved and that we encountered the love of Christ if we continue to chase after the passions of the world and not after the love of God?
I guess this passage just made me do a lot of self reflecting. We also watched this sermon done by Paul Washer in our fellowship. This guy is amazing and if you have some time you should really check him out. Ill post the link. Some of it is a bit hard to swallow but he really gets you thinking.
But before I get into that...I went to the show The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg that Living Water put on today and it was awesome! Props to everyone who put all that effort into it! It was really a blessing to watch it :).
Anyways back to the sermon. The topic was the typical Easter Sunday sermon about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But there was one thing he pointed out thats been on my mind the whole day after the sermon. The passage was from John chapter 19 and 20, and he pointed out that the book of John is different from the other Gospels because he doesnt focus so much on the physical evidence, the miracles that Jesus performed. He is more interested in the changed lives of the disciples and the individuals that encountered Christ. The radically reformed lives of the disciples is the testimony to the saving grace of Christ.
This got me thinking a lot. If they were lying...if Christ was a lie and a fraud that would mean the disciples died for a lie. And when you look at the lives of the disciples all of them died horrible deaths for Christ's sake. I think it s hard enough to die for something that is just, let alone something that is false. On the other hand, if Christ is real and if encountering him radically changed them in such a way, what does that show about our lives? Can we truly say that we are saved and that we encountered the love of Christ if we continue to chase after the passions of the world and not after the love of God?
I guess this passage just made me do a lot of self reflecting. We also watched this sermon done by Paul Washer in our fellowship. This guy is amazing and if you have some time you should really check him out. Ill post the link. Some of it is a bit hard to swallow but he really gets you thinking.
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