InterPraise was awesome! Praise, message, prayer -- God was amidst it all. Praise Him! And let us thirst for more beyond events, groups, and meetings.
Special thanks to: Thai Lam, InterVarsity & Ark bands, Eugene and Yvonne, and everyone who helped put it together and prayed for the event.
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Upcoming events:

Volume 3 Issue 1
Theme: Men
To An Unknown God Release Party
Thursday 4/29/10, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
250 Dwinelle
Come celebrate our latest issue of TAUG! Whether you are a reader, friend of a reader, writer, editor, or someone curious about what exactly our magazine stands for, we welcome you to come join us in the celebration and thanks of our latest issue's publication, produced after months of hard work and prayer.
Even if you can't stay for long, feel free to stop by and pick up copies of the journal for yourself, your friends, and fellowship. Also look forward to just meeting the people who have dedicated their time to making the journal happen, and getting to know other Cal students at the event. And as always, there will be free pizza, snacks and drinks!
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InterVarsity Presents: EXPOSED
Saturday 5/1/10, 7:30pm - 10:00pm
112 Wurster
Saturday 5/1/10, 7:30pm - 10:00pm
112 Wurster
Exposed is an annual art show that uses art as a natural testimony to tell stories, awaken emotions, and hit people somewhere deep within. Creativity is a gift that God specifically places in us and is immensely powerful. For more information, contact Yvonne (yfung23, who can direct you to one of the coordinators or send you the application.
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Banquet at People's Park
Sunday 5/2/10, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
People's Park (Haste/Bowditch)
Come join a rich dinner for the homeless, students, and people of all faiths or none in particular, because Jesus is inviting everyone to His banqueting table! Just bring yourself and friends, and tasty food also, if you'd like.
The hope is that this banquet will be complete with appetizers, main courses, desserts, and decorated tables – the homeless individuals in Berkeley are valued people whom we wish to honor, serve, and restore dignity and hope to, especially since homelessness is often experienced as a loss of dignity that leads to a state of vulnerability to hopelessness/helplessness.
Interested in helping out? Contact emilyfu43 (at)! We need your help to gather food, pray, find tables/chairs/tents/decor/silverware/tablecloths, request donations, and set up. Let's bring our five loaves and two fish with childlike faith, because with God, there is always enough!
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For Christ's Sake A Capella Spring Concert
Sunday 5/2/10, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
145 Dwinelle
It's that time of the year again! Take a break the night before RRR week to listen to some good music, have some delicious FREE refreshments, and be blessed.
FCS will be showcasing its semester's repetoire, and singing some brand new songs never sung before on Sproul, so if you came out on Thursdays, you will hear a lot of new songs! TESTIMONY from Stanford will be opening. Admission is free! Invite all your friends!
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Next Tuesday, UiC will be having a pizza party at 5pm in 206 Dwinelle (regular meeting time and place). Come and join us as we celebrate how God has worked in and through UiC and Berkeley's ministries this year!